Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Looks like I've been getting a bit lazy with the blogging, here. Part of that was vacation, but I've been back over a week now and still no entries! What gives, you may ask?

Mostly it's because I've been busy with other things. The events calendar has been one; I had a nasty bug last week that I was beating my head on the wall about for several days, but finally solved thanks to a hint from Michael Ellis.
I've also been working on granting everyone access to the new web portal system; that's pretty much ready for prime time now. You can get to it at http://www.wou.edu/portal. Just log in with your WOU username and password. The next FAQ will be about the portal system, which has some cool and useful features.
Aside from that, there's been the usual large amount of time spent on migration cleanup and adding features to the user creation system. That program is now over 2100 lines long, not counting a bunch of code that's been stored in separate modules; this may seem like a lot, but it does the work of three separate programs we used to use in the old system. Plus I've been working on user requests for web permissions and so forth.
All this is making me wish for another vacation! Luckily Thanksgiving is coming up soon.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Back from vacation

Well, I'm back. Actually I got back yesterday, but spent the day digging out of the pile of stuff that built up while I was out. I finally feel like I'm caught up with the small stuff so I can get back to the bigger stuff.

Current top priorities (in no particular order):

  • Trying to figure out how to enable Portal services on people's user accounts in bulk, by adding LDAP attributes.

  • Working on the Public Relations Calendar of Events (it's really close now!)

  • Figuring out how to use the security features of the new webserver for some departmental pages that need security right now rather than after the web migration.

So anyway, I'm going to get back to doing that stuff instead of talking about it.